Escort Amalia

The best escorts, call girls, companions, hookers & whores in Colombia. Luxury escorts and companions . Amalia Rodas

Escorts, Prepagos, Putas, Dama de Compañia, Amalia
Amalia Rodas profile
Skin ColorBrunette
Bust SizeA
Ass SizeSlim
Height161 CM
Eyes ColorBROWN
Hair ColorRED
InterestRead, walk
Drinksdo not drink lcohol, prefers juices
Dress styleCasual
Plastic surgeriesNone
Additional servicesThreesome,Natural Oral

Imagen radar 1 Hora

1 Hour


Imagen radar 2 Horas

2 Hours


Imagen radar 3 Horas

5 Hours


rates transportation and condoms included

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Call me or text me, we will have agreat hot time (Telegram, Whatsapp) -> (+57)| 300-872-4183|

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“Think wrong and you will be right”, says a phrase attributed to the controversial writer and thinker Machiavelli. “Although they pay just for sinners”, we would add. And it is that in the topic that we are going to deal with in this article, in general, when there is suspicion, it is because there are causes. Is my girlfriend, or even my wife, a whore? There have been cases. And more...



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