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July 18, 2023

<p>When I was at university, the story “go fuck yourself” was the joke we used to make between friends when we didn't have money for a certain thing. Like it's an easy way out. Exit that, in any case, none wanted to take. Neither they nor I knew any prostitutes, or at least none who would admit it. Today, after years of knowing and sharing my life in this business, I know that anyone can be: your neighbor, your lifelong friend, your mother, your sister, and even someone like myself can be a <a href=""><u>whore</u></a>.</p> <p>I started in the business as almost everyone does, out of curiosity, out of necessity, out of ambition and because I like money, that's clear.</p> <p>With college sweethearts, it was a cheap party, with no pretensions and they wanted to eat you for free, supposedly out of love.</p> <p>I had higher presumptions, at the University I heard the story of the prepaid cards and one of them interested me and I got fully into this story.</p> <p>At first I didn't know how to get paid or how to dress, but the media is giving one the line of how it should be, I was climbing in position and in price, now I bitch in style, I don't mess with any jerk.</p> <p>Paola 0lguin is a prostitute, but not just any, but one of those who, as she herself says, give status to her clients, who in Colombia are usually politicians, powerful businessmen, 'narcos' and 'paramilitaries'. They are the ones who can afford to pay her millions of dollars for a night of company.</p> <p> </p> <p>They are not stupid either</p> <p> </p> <p>Currently I enjoy some friendships that I am cultivating. They are for walks and things like that. We had a party with them. They're from Bogotá and they come every fortnight for business, so we don't see each other that often, but you can see that they look like rattlesnakes. When they come I go out, with a friend, with her we go for a walk to the farms, since they're not from here she likes to do rumbitas and things like very cool. Here in Tuluá a friend of ours is in charge of bringing them a lot of <a href=""><u>whores</u></a> and <a href=""><u>call girls</u></a> who have nothing to do with it. But, for the cool things, like concerts by international artists like Maelo Ruiz, the bichota or yacht rides, bone pods that are worth it call one. And the story is the same: "It's that we like to go out with you because you're like a friend, we can chat with you, you have class. The others that come are good little girls, but they don't have that touch that you have, they are very nerdy, very bitchy."</p> <p> </p> <p>These gentlemen are seduced by dating women who level them up, that is seductive for them, since they can rub shoulders and brag about what they are eating. And for this reason, no matter what you do, they are always ready to pay for everything, and if you ask for money they will also give you money. My situation is different: they feel that they are not paying me, they believe that they are helping a friend.</p> <p>I've gotten to charge up to five million pesos for an outing, it's the most they've ever paid me, but I charge is in dollars, not pesos. Of course, there are girlfriends who buy a car and an apartment, men can give it to them, those are jobs that have to be sacrificed a lot, it's long-term; A friend, Mónica, was dating the owner of a large company, a very famous company here in Colombia, I assure you that you hear about it every day, Well, Mónica dated him for a long time and he is an older man and married with grown-up children, professionals, the guy gave him everything and ended up leaving for Europe</p> <p>Juanita is a lesbian who wanted to eat me every time she saw me, she lived swallowed by me, she is super pretty, she was always in love with me. As she licked her lips with the females, for her it was a martyrdom to eat a man, it was a torment for her to have to be with a man. But since she was so pretty, she spent her time on great trips, in Cartagena, on a yacht and everything else. After something like five years, she saved a good amount of money and managed to save money to buy an apartment in Cali. But the story that the guys set up a house, car and scholarship for one is pure bullshit, that's a story that has been invented to engage older women in this business. Of course, if it can happen, but not from one moment to the next, for that to happen, the girl has to eat a lot of shit, it's not easy.</p> <p> </p> <p>A friend who was from another group but we met at parties, she is a cool old woman, to give and treat and we became confidants, we told each other everything that was happening, how the scene was, which guys were in fashion and women's things, we also fought off men but among ourselves, because if they know that one is mocking, they can even have you killed, that's how it is; What happens is that there are men who spend their time showing off and when you have them in bed they're bad, or they're small, but you have to eat quietly, it's dangerous to count. My friend liked her, she got mad, I hit the dog as they say, she has to be judicious, she told me that she doesn't bitch anymore, but that she needs the environment, the very scoundrel; Because she, like her, happened to another that they put everything on her, but the girl jumped and they cut off her services.</p> <p>My friend is very mounted, she has the super Toyota, a house in the south of Cali, she has a Chinese, but with a man, ugh!, nothing to do with it. The typical indiecito with money.</p> <p>This life is not an easy life, not everything is rosy. They are tinsel castles, having to be with a man that I assure you must not like five and eating him just for the money is very difficult, having to put up with this type of men is a real torment, because she has to put up with the guy mistreating her, rubbing her where she comes from, humiliating her and since the man likes to go to the <a href=""><u>whores</u></a>, well that won't change and he fucks her every time she wants, but they know what awaits them and they always keep looking for him, it's that he ticket is a magnet.</p> <p>Yes, they give them money and comforts and luxuries, but all the time it's eating shit, believe me I haven't met the first one to tell me what a wonderful life it is.</p> <p> </p> <p>They almost always find crooks, ordinary, uneducated, upstarts who believe that because they have money they can buy everything, they get a good female, they set her up in an apartment and they impregnate them, yes, they always impregnate them, because they must mark their territory.</p> <p>My friend was pretty, now she is neglected, she got fat, when we saw each other I asked her:</p> <p>- Whoa, how are you doing? – She immediately realized that she was going through a difficult situation, it was obvious, it was clear that she was in a complicated situation. And her:</p> <p> </p> <p>-Yes ok; her with a hint of sadness in her voice, which she then broke down and she began to tell me all the sorrows she is suffering at this moment, what she has to endure living with that man.</p> <p>It is that seeking economic security at the cost of freedom, respect and many other things is very complicated. It is clear that for a prepaid girl to have the comforts of modern life, they must put up with mistreatment and humiliation, it is evident that in order for them to have all those material comforts they have to put up with a lot.</p> <p> </p> <p>Things depend on what one pursues in life, for example I don't have many luxuries or expensive furniture, the truth is I live very simply, the most expensive thing I've gotten so far is a good apartment, but nothing ostentatious, that apartment cost me a lot of shit without wanting the other one, but that's how this business is; I also live alone and I like solitude, that's why I avoid doing many things, so as not to lose my freedom.</p> <p> </p> <p>pay TV</p> <p> </p> <p>Something about which many rumors are also heard in Colombia is that some famous television presenters are prepaid and that is true. I went out with a man and he sent me his escort, once I made him wait in the apartment and a presenter came on television, and the first thing he tells me is that he picks up that old woman and goes out with her boss's brother, she is supposed to be a super successful and famous woman, but she goes to bed for money; besides, she kept telling me; Without makeup, that old woman is really ugly, I'm not lying to you, when you go to pick her up or say hello, she's unfriendly and rude.</p> <p>Everyone is susceptible to being tempted by money, that's why I don't judge anyone and even less I who live from this, also when men with money like a girl, they move heaven and earth to look for them, eat them and display them and show them off as trophies, so that their friends are envious of them, They look for any means to approach them; there is a guy who is a manager of models and television presenters and he became a millionaire making contacts with the traquetas and the girls, it is that a female who earns five million pesos a month as a presenter and they offer her 30 million pesos for a single volion, well that makes them blow their minds. The truth to anyone, dignity has a price.</p> <p> </p> <p>Of course I would, if I were a famous girl and they make me such an offer, well, one looks at the guy and if he sees that he can stand it, well, he does it, what a motherfucker, a culiadita and that's it.</p> <p>But in the end you know that you can have many values, a lot of dignity, a lot of education, but you know that you have to eat, and living in this country is complicated, so you have to take advantage of the opportunity, in this world everything is money, if you don't have money, you're nobody, the principles and values are far below what money can get, it's very simple if you don't have money, you eat shit, you're screwed, so you have to adapt to the conditions that this world imposes on you.</p> <p>It's true, if I gave a whole ass, I assure you that I would eat anyone for money, but I don't have that high part of me giving a damn so I don't do it and if I did, I would do it for a good ticket, so that my conscience hurts for something good.</p> <p>I assure you that all those escorts, those <a href=""><u>whores</u></a> who earn their living in this, after a while they arrive drunk or drugged, but I think more drugged than drunk, because believe me this world becomes unbearable, being escort is not easy, because eating anyone for money affects a woman's mind a lot, normally a woman gives it out of feeling, but when affection is lost, it is super unbearable to carry that load, instead men put it in a hole and they don't care Women, no matter how vagabond, whores, bitches or whatever you want to call them, will always have a more difficult time. If they come to me with 20 million for a lying down, I don't think so, the monkey dances for money, as Wilfrido says, that's a reality, even male friends say they give it for five million, that for that ticket they spread their legs.</p>