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May 19, 2023

escorts eafit medellin technology and prostitution Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Eafit University of Medellín –To ask about the classified? Juana writes on whats app, a third semester student. –Answer: Hello beautiful, how can I help you? –Question Juana: Hello. Is that to work on Web pages with people from other countries? –Answer: Yes, Linda, of course. Juana: I'm interested. –Answer: cute, what's your name? –Juana: Daniela (fictitious name) and you? –Answer: Mildred –Question: Mildred, I want to know what I have to do to work? –Answer: if you want you can give me an address and I will visit you and I will explain better. –Juana answers: In my house I can't. Can we meet somewhere else? – Mildred: Yes, of course, if you want you can go to my house today Friday after 10 in the morning, I'm going to explain to two girls who are also interested. – Juana: Are you explaining to all of us at the same time? – Mildred: Yes, of course, so that they realize what work is like. Once the appointment is made, Juana arrives at the address punctually in the Laureles neighborhood. Mildred, passing by her family as a saleswoman of beauty products, told us to go to her room. She turned on the computer and spoke to Johanna González, a social communication student, the other woman in the room that Friday afternoon; and tell us that Johana already has the site approved for her, which means she could get started right away. During the selection process, she sends herself a photo with an identity document, which confirms that the person is of legal age and has voluntarily agreed to work for her. Mildred denies having received money to contact someone, don't worry, she tells Juana, you'll find out what the job is like, if you like it and you look alike, then go in, otherwise no, nothing happens. In Colombia, “prostitution services in brothels or online are not considered crimes and are not punished. This is a form of commercialization because if they are of legal age they have no problem," says Ciro Alfonso Moreno Rodríguez, head of the Computer Crime Investigation Unit of the police criminal investigation department. Therefore, these services can be freely advertised without fear of reprisals from the authorities. Meanwhile, Mildred gets on the page and "works" as she teaches techniques to please clients without masturbating. Johanna was just thinking about how to start because, although she had an internet connection and privacy, which is what they demand to begin with, she said she felt ashamed, her eyes did not hide the joy because that day and she could start sexually pleasing clients on the other side of the network and earn a lot of money. Mildred put a teal suitcase under her bed as she took out three dildos of different sizes, one very large: "This is the one I show the client and I convince him that this is the one I put on my private parts, or better, wherever the client likes, because the client must be given what they ask for, it can be vaginal, anal and oral, he said.The other one was smaller, I change it with a little trick and that's what I really use. The other, smaller dildo is used when the client requests anal and vaginal service at the same time. Mildred shows us how to pleasure herself by placing one in her vagina and the other as if she were having anal sex. Among other barely noticeable things in her suitcase are black socks, “especially for wearers who like to show off their legs,” she said. There is also a garter belt, red underwear, vaginal fluids that she wears to make it look like she has had an orgasm. Mildred, who has been in the business for five years, initially worked at The Studio, a website that brings together various women who do these jobs online, but it only lasted five months because she said the others were envious colleagues and she preferred to leave there. . have them. There she met Pascal, the owner of the site where she currently works, her boss and, she says, her friend. She kept in touch with him because they exchanged emails during one of these conversations. After two years of constant talks, hers bought the rights to the site and started her own business, called her and offered to work with her. Through cyber chat, customers can exchange their sexual desires or fetishes. The portal also has female or male profiles where they can post pornographic videos; customers can also walk in and pay to be seen if they want without engaging in conversation with a prostitute. To receive this service you have to pay between 60 and 70,000 pesos per minute depending on the site you enter. The industry says it's easier because there's no physical contact required and no sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to worry about. “Those who belong to these communities want to explore, others because they seek satisfaction on the Internet. This is related to a lack of attachment, weak relationships, low self-esteem and insecurity," says psychologist Lady Rivera. "When it becomes addictive to visit these cyberspaces and stop having face-to-face human relationships because you immerse yourself, it becomes pathological," she concluded. . Young people who agree to participate in the activity are paid between 700 and 1,400 pesos per minute, which also varies depending on the portal that accepts them. “We give you a few pages, the first page is approved, then another page, and you can work on three or four pages at a time,” Mildred said. According to the administrator of one of the virtual spaces, Carmen Otero Angarita, it offers total freedom of action with the advantage that the clients are not located in Colombia; generally those who buy the service come from the United States and Europe. If someone wants to contact a prostitute, she can easily enter, the only requirement is an electronic transfer from her credit card. Mildred said the trick is to get them to start a private conversation, count down the last time they talked, and then you win the real money. Although there is no way to control access to these virtual spaces, the administrators of these sites do not want to give data or discuss the issue in detail. According to psychologist Luz Adriana Villafañe, some people today practice intimacy online, but like other forms of prostitution, money cannot be lost, whether out of necessity or pleasure. The oldest job in the world is always being updated with the latest 21st century technologies and it is possible to get very close to another person without contact, all you need is a good internet connection. Prostitution is "digitized" Prostitution is using new methods to reach customers around the world; A click or a message from a mobile phone is enough to complete a sexual transaction. The scandal that engulfed New York Governor Elliott Spotter revealed how modern prostitution works: text messages registering client arrivals, electronic money transfers and attractive portals with photos, prices and categories. There have always been differences between street prostitutes and those who work in brothels or private apartments, and technological advances are increasing those differences, said Ronald Welt, author of Prostitution, the Sex Trade: Prostitution, Pornography, and the Sex Industry. Prostitution services can not only do business better, but there are also new ways to promote your business. The Internet helps to strengthen the relationship between prostitution and clients. "It's a business, but it's also social and it builds relationships," says Audacia Rey, a former prostitute and author of Internet Nudity: Connecting, Downloading, and Using the Internet for Sexual Exploration. "Customers become friends," she added. There are many online forums where clients or potential clients can exchange information about specific women and discuss pricing and other topics. There is a comment on the forum from a customer who said the woman he hired was a dream. She is talented, funny, passionate, beautiful, perfect body, she loves what she does. The other prostitute did not do as well in her appraisal, she was criticized not for her lack of attractiveness, but for her attitude towards herself. 'She did not return calls or emails. According to Ray, these forums are perfect for prostitutes to promote their business and drive people to their portals. The technology also simplifies the business side, Welter said. Just as clients can research the women they want to hire, dating sites can research their clients' backgrounds. And loading them is much easier. Generally, it's in everyone's best interest to open an account and maintain a balance. If you feel like calling a woman right away, you don't have to worry about paying, said Norma Jean Almodóvar, director of COYOTE, a Southern California prostitutes' rights organization. The Emperor VIP Club, a high-end prostitution agency, Governor Spotter, was exposed when banks noticed repeated wire transfers from certain accounts, raising suspicions of illegal activity, law enforcement sources told The Associated Press. The reports turned out to be true and an official investigation was launched. Mobile phones are great for both clients and institutions. Spotter used text messages to set up some appointments. The company even instructed the woman to send a text message when she got to the room to find out when she would start charging for the service. If a client is away and wants to sleep with a prostitute, he can go online, and while he's in Europe and she's at home, they can have sex remotely, Almodóvar said. Despite all this electronic evidence, the authorities generally do not intervene, allowing businesses to continue operating. On the one hand, they advertise. These services are known to exist, but they do nothing. Philadelphia District Attorney Rich Desopillo said they don't pay taxes and won't be prosecuted unless something goes wrong or draws attention. Prostitutes, on the other hand, can use high technology to avoid arrest. High-priced prostitutes use electronic devices to detect the presence of hidden cameras or microphones, said Jimmy Mess, editorial director of Professional Investigator magazine. What is important here is not that Spoter has hired a prostitute, what is remarkable is that he has been caught,'' Almodóvar said. Because despite all the technology available, 99% of cases are not resolved. Justice normally does not investigate these cases unless they are of great personalities or there is a strong scandal behind it, justice, like any product, also needs publicity