Escorts in Bello Antioquia in english
March 21, 2023

The city of Bello, a municipality north of Medellín, has experienced an unusual urban development in recent years characterized by the rise of high-rise buildings, the installation of residential buildings on floors 4, 5 and 6, as well as several shopping centers. These changes in the city that developers and municipal representatives promote as progressives and promoters of development stand in stark contrast to other socio-spatial changes. Bello is the face of urban development with double standards, informal settlements on the hillsides reinforce social divisions and inequality, making the city feel segregated. Under the bridge and in a corner of the right bank of the Cañón de La García, Guadiera Mora improvised a wood stove and installed aluminum pans. Its still early. The children have gone to school and today is the day of the mazamorra pilada. The whole neighborhood knows it. Every two days she collects between 30,000 and 35,000 pesos, which are necessary to raise the child. Fearing violence, she left Guadalupe for San Roque, but from there she also decided to emigrate with her husband, and for 6 years she has been in the canyon, which seems to flood every winter. "I don't care because I live on the second floor," she said of her small house, which is partially made of the material. Her husband returned to San Roque because, according to her words, “her life is not here”, but she decided to stay. Declared high risk and the place where the Metronorte de Bello system will be diverted, like all in the area, belongs to level 1 in Sisben. The residents of the neighborhood, as well as El Pinar, which is part of the Santa Rita neighborhood of Paris, have been mostly displaced. This is one of the most difficult issues facing the municipality in the north of Valle de Aburrá. Bello is the second city in the Aburrá Valley to receive these residents, like Medellín, but with a difference: "There are fewer resources here." In the Pinar de Bello neighborhood, 13-year-old Karen couldn't understand why her mother wouldn't let her go out alone, locked her up and wouldn't let her have a boyfriend. Not even friends. Her neighbors were certainly dangerous, but after a while she discovered the real reason for her passion: her virginity had a price. One day, her mother gave her to another woman who told her to go into a room and undress, began to photograph her, examined her vagina and warned her over and over again to do what they asked without saying a word. word. Otherwise, she won't come home. “Suddenly I was in a room with a fat and aggressive young man who was speaking to me in English. She didn't understand him at all. He ordered me to remove my clothes at the cost of threats and then he raped me, ”she recalls about the way she lost her virginity. In exchange, she was given a Nokia mobile phone. Her mother went to the market for the first time in a long time and she paid off an old debt. “I never knew my dad, we were poor: we only had one coup (food) a day. So my mom got involved with some bad guys, she lost a lot of money and was in debt. Every time she was late in paying, two men would chase her, threaten her and beat her, but she couldn't do anything. That anger was unleashed on me,” she said. Karen believes that if her mother did not pay the debt, one day she would turn up dead. That's why she doesn't hate her. But poverty is not the only reason for the "Day of the Virginities", as this phenomenon is well known in the underworld of Bello. Touring the slopes of Bello, the so-called combos force families to worry about the virginity of their daughters over the age of 11 and about themselves. “Armed groups are recruiting girls and warning mothers that their daughters must be virgins at 13 or 14 before they can be auctioned off to foreigners or handed over to combo commanders,” said a mayoralty official. He found cases in the surrounding communities of Villa Hermosa and Popular, where unemployment and poverty are high. Amantina Rengifo, president of the Association of Community Action Committees of Villa Hermosa, admitted that some women in the area have been selling the bodies of their daughters in the market since they were seven years old. “This practice was found in the communities of Paris, El Pinar, Altos de la Torre, and El Pacífico, where mothers used their children at home or took them to the center or El Poblado,” she said. Karen's rape occurred in 2011, prices for a virgin can range from 600,000 pesos to 5 million pesos, generally with offers from foreigners, it's like an auction and there are portfolios with photos in WhatsApp groups. There are cases everywhere like that of Maritza, a young woman who was lured by her friends with gifts from her, then kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder. The Prosecutor's Office spent eight years investigating stories of abuse and sexual exploitation of children in Medellín. From his office at the Center for Attention to Victims of Sexual Violence (Caivas), Prosecutor 99 handles cases of pornography, pimping, coercion and human trafficking. The problem is that it is very difficult for victims to complain, especially when it comes to their mothers. The story that most impressed prosecutors was that of five sisters who were hired by their own mother to work as mechanics in a workshop. The woman is also asking her 13-year-old son to donate her body to help pay for the house. In initial testimony, the girls, supported by their grandmothers, recounted that their mothers forced them to have sex with men, beat them with barbed wire, and locked them up. The investigative body arrested the woman and asked the judge to set bail. But the victims backed down when they learned that her mother could spend at least 14 years in prison without getting out. “In these cases, the only image of emotional protection for abused minors is their mother, even in a contradictory way. So they defend them, no matter how bad they are," the prosecution said. The five sisters adopted article 33 of the constitution, which states: "No one shall be forced to testify against a close relative." Although charges cannot be dropped for these crimes, the trial is not without its victims. "We discovered terrible stories and did everything possible to ensure justice, but the victims did not cooperate," added the Prosecutor's Office. In other cases, the neighbors convict in court, but do not testify. When detectives searched the indicated address, no one knew anything. Months after the violent loss of her virginity, Karen left her home in Villa Lilia, but she does not do so to avoid abuse, but because she sees prostitution as a way to earn money, since her virginity has already been lost and it cannot be negotiated except just once. She is 19 years old, she is dark skinned and has a medium build, but her heels make her look tall. Her hair is dyed blonde and she wears blue contact lenses. Her neckline reveals her operated breasts and the beginnings of her shorts and her hips. She says that she has slept with hundreds of men for money. She is a former dancer and now a webcam model in a studio in the center of Medellín. She almost every day (only two Sundays off each month) she spends 5 hours at work. From 5 pm to 10 pm she sits in front of her computer and pleases foreigners who buy sex packages online. After a year in the world of digital sex, she is convinced that her work has changed her life, because now she can think about her future and that of her mother. Besides, no one touches her anymore. The young woman assures that showing even the most intimate parts of her body generates 6 million pesos a month, money that she used to waste on luxuries but that she now saves for her studies. She hasn't decided whether to choose economy or fashion design, but she only has one dream: to buy her mother a house. There have been cases of virgin-seeking subjects, such as 35-year-old Canadian Brent Ron William Harraxing. In 2015 he was accused of sexual relations with a minor. A man sentenced to 15 years in prison contacted young women in Medellín through Facebook and offered them money in exchange for their virginity. In addition, he paid them commissions of up to $300,000 to bring in other female students. The 99th Prosecutor's Office, the only one in Medellín specializing in the sexual exploitation of minors, has received 270 complaints in the last two years. Of these, six judgments and six ongoing trials have been recovered. "Although the development of the north has given momentum to Bello, it is a very poor municipality," stressed the president of Asocomunal, calling attention to the lack of sources of employment. There are still many properties that have not been regularized and on top of that there have been many displaced persons. " In neighborhoods like El Pinar, the situation is more worrying. Without drinking water supply, without sewerage, without sources of employment, more than 12,000 inhabitants in a situation of extreme poverty are concentrated in the neighborhoods of Paso Adolfo, Regalo de Dios, and El Pinar. This population has received little attention. Only 120 children have breakfast because of the work of Maná, an institution formed by the Catholic Church, it gives them breakfast, some cookies and milk”, otherwise, the people here will have nothing to eat. Although Gudiel's house did not flood, she hopes they will support her so that her children can have a safer home. Informal settlements receive little attention in Bello, it has been admitted that it is a problem but the solutions that have been implemented are relocation, sometimes violently, in any case, the potential for this phenomenon is not taken into account, there are solutions housing developments taking advantage of what little there is in physical, social and cultural infrastructure and, ultimately, it is easier to improve than to create from scratch. Whether it is an increase in construction momentum or an increase in real estate inventory, they are not the solution for a city to develop; many times, as in the case of Bello, the transformation of the city and layered growth with poverty and housing instability; this situation needs to be reviewed. Because beyond the expectations of distributive justice, this type of practices and socio-spatial realities cross the lines of human dignity and are generators of prostitution, violence, illegal armed groups, and a vicious circle of social degradation is generated, exploited by the different groups of interest generated around poverty.