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August 01, 2023

<p>This is what one of the highest paid prostitutes in Colombia thinks about life (and sex).</p> <p>The sex worker Lina Martínez only serves the richest and most exclusive clients: those who can pay 5,000,000 million pesos for a two-hour encounter.</p> <p>Lina Martínez is, as she assures her on her website, "student, yoga teacher, traveler and writer", but she defines herself above all as a sex worker. And she is one of the most successful in Bogotá. As his agent explains in an interview in 'Mel', he only serves the richest and most exclusive clients –those who can pay his fee– who pass his demanding classification process: he never speaks to them by phone until a collaborator executes a scrupulous confirmation from your referrals, which includes calling your referrals. Lina is aware that her work is exceptional in the industry. In the Colombian context, it must be remembered that the great sum of the women who practice prostitution are needy, immigrants and undocumented. Lina, however, is white, young, and college-educated, which allows her to charge exceptionally high fees. But, due to the dire circumstances of all of her colleagues, or perhaps because of this, she claims to fight for the declaration of sex work as a legitimate profession. The really scandalous things happen when sex workers meet other sex workers Her entry into the profession happened like so many other young women: although she had completed her degree at a university, she couldn't find a job, so she decided to try her hand at the sex industry. She thus began working in a clandestine Kennedy brothel, from which she was fired for trying to unionize with her coworkers to obtain better conditions. From there she went on to work in various clubs in the city, where she had her first contacts with the 'jet set', and she ended up working for the most exclusive agency in the city: Cupid's <a href=""><u>Escorts</u></a>. “I had a driver who did all the errands, picked me up and transported me to any place in the city and met the users in the hotels and the most distinguished residences,” Lina explains. "But despite the seductive professional context, after saving some time at the firm, because that's what they told us to call it, I thought that I could get more money if I set up my own agency on my own."</p> <p>full of love and luxury</p> <p>Lina assures that she conceives the sessions in a slightly different way from how we imagine encounters with a prostitute (in fact, she avoids using this word throughout the interview): “I usually enjoy a good meal and conversation with the clients at the beginning of the session. Literature, art, philosophy… Almost anything but politics. The discernment in your brain is the dean of the sexual organs, if you manage to raise fire in my mind, then you imprison my body. Getting paid to make love infallibly changes any of the things. I began to appreciate much more the sexuality that I enjoy in my personal existence.</p> <p>During all this time in the sex industry, Lina has savored all kinds of tests, attempts and experiences: she has flown in a private jet, she has spent weekends with couples and, of course, she has participated in massive orgies at the purest! Playboy Mansion style "The really scandalous things happen when sex workers meet other sex professionals," says the prostitute. “Opening your eyes and seeing eight amazing women come out of a hot tub wet and go back to fill their champagne glasses? Yes, of course, please, it's for the best." Although Lina is very optimistic about her profession, not everything is wonderful. The '<a href=""><u>escort</u></a>' knows that this type of work changes the character in which one's relationships are lived: “That you get paid to make love palpably goes from one extreme to another some things. The most transcendental thing is that I began to understand and value the sex that I have in my personal life much more. Now I am a much more selective and refined person in the deliberation of who can be my lover. What do they manage to provide other than wealth or sex? Do I conceive myself positively being playful with him? The truth is, now I get less involved in relationships now than when I wasn't working on this. This work has led me to delve deeper into my personal idylls and to have a greater lightness in my casual rolls”.</p> <p>The exception that proves the rule</p> <p>In Lina's opinion, all women participate in sex work in one way or another, consciously or unconsciously. "The way the world is set up, women have to live mainly on men's material assets and be satisfied with them," says the prostitute. She is a role model based on scarcity. It is based on the falsehood that material gains are enough to sustain human beings and denies unremunerated emotional labor. inherent in those exchanges. Sex work brings transparency and allows for a different exchange of intimacy.” According to the International Labor Organization, 4.5 million people worldwide are victims of forced sexual exploitation. What the luxury prostitute does not point out at any time is that in the vast majority of cases, sex work does not help transparency is not considered a term of intimacy, but rather an increase in submission. It is a thorny task to calculate the number and setting of the hard-working sex workers, but the generalities of studies agree that, at least in Colombia, many young women, girls, mature women; Those who practice prostitution do so against their will and it seems clear that, if not all are victims of trafficking networks, the vast majority of women who enter the world of prostitution come from environments of indigence and structural poverty. In certain circles, prostitution may be an exchange between equals, but Lina's story is the exception that proves the rule, and if we idealize her work we run the risk of forgetting the 4.5 million people who according to the International Labor Organization are victims of forced sexual exploitation around the world.</p> <p>In Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, there are more than 8,000,000 inhabitants, although its metropolitan area causes the number to skyrocket to almost ten million. According to 2020 data, around 30% of them work for the government, but they are not the only ones whose daily dedication is determined by the capital status of this city. Many non-governmental organizations, law firms, lobbyists, freelancers and professional associations are based in a city that withstands economic crises much better than other cities. Due to these particularities of life in Bogotá, it is curious to understand how one lives in one of its brothels, as Carolina Medina exposes in an essay, she tries to explain the changes that have taken place in the large Colombian cities, the essay resorts to understanding better the sexual life of its inhabitants.</p> <p>A month in the brothel</p> <p>Madam Carolina was the name Clara Medina used to hide her identity during the month she spent facilitating sexual encounters between clients and prostitutes, a job she got after her predecessor retired. She is not surprised by the gender and variety of the brothel keepers, sometimes they were women, other times men, but lately they were transgender; The women's market was in clear decline in the Casa, the adjective with which the workers described this place, which is described as a kind of "Disney's enchanted castle" of sex. At the time Madam Carolina passed through the brothel, there were only twenty women on the staff (five of whom were transsexuals) and 4 men.</p> <p>Her role was to negotiate the price between the client and the prostitute, facilitate the meeting and manage the payments, as well as other more daily tasks such as changing the sheets or answering the phone. As for the workers of the brothel, brothel, brothel or whatever you want to call it, they took half of the payment from their clients, and their income varied greatly from one to the other. The trick is to tell the tale to the client and it is found in trying to convince whoever hires you that you want to spend the whole night with him, which significantly raises the total cost, sometimes up to 1,500,000 pesos or, as in the case of Janet, the most successful transsexual <a href=""><u>escort</u></a> in the House, about 2,000,000 pesos every night. Janet was more of a worker than the rest of her: she would take on four clients a night, when most of her companions were content (and exhausted) with two.</p> <p>The police are aware of what is going on in the brothels, but have no interest in closing them down. To earn this extra income, the prostitutes use various tricks. One of them was to insist to the client how much they wanted and wanted and how much they would enjoy being able to spend the whole night, and not just for a while, which was very little for all she could give. She'd just have to pay a little more (actually four times as much) and her bosses would let her. For that it was very advantageous to go to eat at restaurants with an ATM at hand where the interested party could quickly afford her money. However, most of these were not particularly wealthy – it was not a very luxurious brothel – but tended to be middle class, and sometimes even a little poorer. More tricks? For men and transsexuals who still had a penis, using a pearl-colored shampoo to simulate an ejaculation, allowing them to pamper more clients per night.</p> <p>business rules</p> <p>Possibly due to the somewhat clumsy and old character of the brothel, it does not It was judged as much as a business in a house whose residents, in disparate proportions since there were prostitutes, transgenders, gays, prostitutes who only wanted women and that kind of everything, although they all had a common factor in their lives, getting ahead does not matter whatever the medium, they got along well enough with each other. Everyone, including the cops, knew what was being covered up and hidden behind the place, but no one has any interest in obstructing the business. What's more, some of them gave lessons to the workers so as not to have problems. For example, if they were being mistreated by a client, they should not confess their context but simply explain that they had been seen in a bar and that he had assaulted them. Without explicitly declaring his employment status, the authority would know what had happened. In general, the prostitutes spent the night in good restaurants with clients who respected them, Carolina acknowledges that the life of her companions was not, in general, very complex, however, she implores the fact that they were sheltered in the face of misadventures of your clients. Only once in a while someone tried to hurt them or it was deemed potentially difficult, scenarios in which they resorted to R., an expert in sadomasochism who knew how to defend himself quite well with his bare hands. There were also rules for the House's own inhabitants. Among them are the following: do not refer to <a href=""><u>c</u><u>all girls</u></a> as prostitutes (or any similar denomination); treat transsexuals always in feminine; not to help cause courtships or sentimental relationships between the inhabitants of the house; and not take excessively. It was this element that later caused Carolina to be fired (“yes, they threw me, they threw me out of a brothel for drinking a lot”). She herself admits that she did not understand much of what was happening in the brothel. “Despite my perceptible interest, I could never get too deep into it,” she explains. They are lands that are governed by their convenient unwritten rules, those that outside their walls, sound strange to ordinary mortals.</p>