Escort Ana

Hi, I'm Ana Maria Orozco, an expert call girl from Bogotá, make love to me hard and slow, I have black hair, white skin, dark eyes, slim. I like massages on the breasts, tail, abdomen, in threes and in couples. I'm 30 years old, with a big butt ready to have fun.

Escorts, Prepagos, Putas, Dama de Compañia, Ana
Ana Maria Orozco profile
Skin ColorWhite
Bust SizeB
Ass SizeBig
Height168 CM
Eyes ColorDARK
Hair ColorBLACK
Interesttravel, movies
Foodbeefs and italian
Dress styleCasual
Plastic surgeriesNone
Additional servicesNatural Oral,Anal,Threesome

Imagen radar 1 Hora

1 Hour


Imagen radar 2 Horas

2 Hours


Imagen radar 3 Horas

5 Hours


rates transportation and condoms included

Payment Method:

Imagen Pagos

Call me or text me, we will have agreat hot time (Telegram, Whatsapp) -> (+57)| 305-333-9946|

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