Escort Paula

Escorts from Bogota, I have black hair and white skin. I am thin but very fast, I play with saliva.

Escorts, Prepagos, Putas, Dama de Compañia, Paula
Paula Caicedo profile
Skin ColorWhite
Bust SizeA
Ass SizeBig
Height165 CM
Eyes ColorDARK
Hair ColorBLACK
Interestmovies, reading, music
Foodvenezuelan typical
Drinksbeer and sweet cocktails
Dress styleSport
Plastic surgeriespending

Imagen radar 1 Hora

1 Hour


Imagen radar 2 Horas

2 Hours


Imagen radar 3 Horas

5 Hours


rates transportation and condoms included

Payment Method:

Imagen Pagos

Call me or text me, we will have agreat hot time (Telegram, Whatsapp) -> (+57)| 305-333-9946|

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