Escort Johanna

Hello, my name is Johanna Lozano, I am a 22-year-old White Girl, my body is thin, very exciting to touch, oral sex fascinates me, very creative with my tongue and throat, my girlfriend treatment and tight vagina will make you feel very special .

Escorts, Prepagos, Putas, Dama de Compañia, Johanna
Johanna Lozano profile
Skin ColorWhite
Bust SizeA
Ass SizeSlim
Height162 CM
Eyes ColorDARK
Hair ColorBLACK
InterestMusic and books
Dress styleCasual
Plastic surgeriesNone
Additional servicesNatural Oral,Threesome,Couples

Imagen radar 1 Hora

1 Hour


Imagen radar 2 Horas

2 Hours


Imagen radar 3 Horas

5 Hours


rates transportation and condoms included

Payment Method:

Imagen Pagos

Call me or text me, we will have agreat hot time (Telegram, Whatsapp) -> (+57)| 300-872-4183|

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