Escort Susana

Hello, my name is Susana Rincon, I am a very hot girl from Medellín, I am 26 years old, my skin is white and very soft, ready for us to spend a delicious moment in bed, I am very affectionate in dealing with, my hair is very black long to the buttocks.

Escorts, Prepagos, Putas, Dama de Compañia, Susana
Susana Rincon profile
Skin ColorWhite
Bust SizeA
Ass SizeSlim
Height150 CM
Eyes ColorDARK
Hair ColorBLACK
Interestwalk, dance, music
Dress styleCasual
Plastic surgeriesNone
Additional servicesNatural Oral,Threesome,Couples

Imagen radar 1 Hora

1 Hour


Imagen radar 2 Horas

2 Hours


Imagen radar 3 Horas

5 Hours


rates transportation and condoms included

Payment Method:

Imagen Pagos

Call me or text me, we will have agreat hot time (Telegram, Whatsapp) -> (+57)| 300-872-4183|

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